Margie Thompson, SSJ, M.F.A. is an artist, spiritual director and a Sister of St Joseph of Philadelphia. She is an Associate Professor of Art at Chestnut Hill College, where she has taught Art Studio, Art and Spirituality and Honors Courses since 1995. Her degrees include: Bachelors of Arts in Art from Chestnut Hill College; Master of Fine Arts from the Vermont Studio Center and Johnson State College, VT; Master of Arts in Holistic Spirituality and Spiritual Direction from Chestnut Hill College; Certification of Supervision of Spiritual Direction from Chestnut Hill College; B.F.A. from Moore College of Art and Design where she taught for nine years; M.Ed. in Art Education from Kutztown University.
A practicing artist, Margie exhibits her art works and has won awards and commissions. Using slides of her art work and other creative activities, she gives retreats and programs on themes of art, spirituality, and The Universe Story. In addition she directs individuals in weekend, six-day and eight day-retreats, Spiritual Exercises of Saint Ignatius of Loyola in the Thirty-day and Retreat in Everyday Life formats, as well as ongoing spiritual direction and supervision with individuals.
Here are a few words from the artist herself:
“My interest has always been in the areas of Art and Spirituality. So I am motivated to explore human experience informed by grace. I believe that all of creation is charged with the sacred presence of God, called by many names, who is self-communicating Holy Mystery. I try to explore this presence of God, immanent and mysterious yet infinitely knowable, through many media and modes of artistic expression. Frequently I use landscape as a metaphor for spiritual experience. Painting landscapes using heightened color and dramatic lighting in oil, acrylic, watercolor and pastels I hope to engage the viewer and allude to an interpretation on a deeper level than a literal depiction of a landscape. “
– Margie Thompson, SSJ, M.F.A.